6 Easy Steps to Promote Your Coaching Business on Instagram


In just ten years, Instagram has become a powerful marketing platform that clever entrepreneurs have embraced. In December 2020… The best way to buy Instagram followers Australia.

Instagram has over 1 billion active users, which implies that your target market is almost probably using it, as are your competitors.

Instagram is used by 67% of US people, so while it doesn’t have the reach of Facebook (yet), it’s a platform worth utilizing.

A younger demographic–more than half of Instagram users are between 18 and 29–if that’s your target market, Instagram is the place to be.

63% of Instagram users check their feed at least daily–that’s a lot of eyes on phones!

Furthermore, the platform has experienced double-digit annual growth and shows no signs of slowing down. So clearly, it’s time to use Instagram and the potential it offers in your overall marketing strategy.

Instagram is a stripped-down version of Facebook that focuses on mobile visual sharing. Like other social networks, Instagram allows you to engage with other users by following them, being followed by them, commenting, liking, tagging, and private messaging. You can also download photographs from Instagram.

Instagram features a variety of filters you may use to improve photographs and videos because it is so visually oriented. For example, you can straighten the image, alter the brightness and warmth, and overlay color with other photo editing tools. In addition, you can deactivate movie audio, choose a cover frame, and trim videos using the iOS app.

Unique Obstacles

However, Instagram provides some problems that may make you wonder if it’s worth your time. The most important are:

1) First and foremost, it is entirely dependent on smartphones. Instagram, unlike other platforms, does not allow you to publish from your computer. You can’t even post to it from third-party apps. It is entirely intended to entice cell phone users. So, in markets with heavy mobile usage (which, let’s face it, is almost everywhere), Instagram is a no-brainer.

2) It is also picture and video focused. Instagram requires photographs, unlike Facebook, Twitter, and even Google+, where text posts are still the standard. Text (called “captions” on Instagram) is secondary, albeit unlike other sites, Instagram’s character restriction is relatively significant. Keep in mind that visuals often outperform text-only updates on other platforms. So emphasizing visuals in your marketing is generally a good idea.

Instagram for Companies

However, Instagram is more than simply images. You may use a business profile to promote your brand’s mission and goals, showcase your items, generate leads, and make sales.

When you sign up for Instagram, you can create a personal Instagram profile or an “Instagram for Business” one. Like Facebook, the personal profile is for personal use only, while the commercial profile is where you can make offerings. (If you currently have a personal profile, you can easily convert it to a business one, or you can have both.)

As a bonus, the business profile gives you access to analytics, which allows you to see statistics and demographics about your followers and likes. This assists you in determining who your target audience is and what they enjoy. You may also pay to have your posts promoted, which is something you cannot do with a personal Instagram account. You will have to pay, just like on Facebook, to ensure that people see your business posts.

Facebook and Instagram

Because Facebook owns Instagram, you can integrate the two platforms to reach both your Facebook and Instagram audiences.

If you run a Facebook ad, you can also run it on Instagram. You can also have items posted on Instagram automatically posted on Facebook. This saves you time and ensures that your social media accounts are consistent.

So, how can you use Instagram in your marketing?

Here are six measures you can take to begin promoting your business on Instagram:

Step 1: Improve Your Profile

Like any other platform, Instagram requires you to create a personal and business profile. This is where new followers will learn more about you, your mission, and your personality. It’s your opportunity to shine… in only 150 characters.

Step 2: Begin Building Your Community

Above all, Instagram is a social network, implying that active community engagement is required. Concentrate on discovering and following the proper people: market influencers and your ideal clients. Start talks with these folks once you’ve found them to begin creating relationships.

Of course, the ultimate goal of any social media strategy is to convince your online community to subscribe to your list so that you can control how you connect with them. After all, any of these businesses could vanish tomorrow, leaving you with nothing.

Step 3: matter is the third step.

Instagram, maybe more than any other social network, uses hashtags to sort and organize content. Users interested in specific topics can “follow” particular hashtags like you can follow other users.

You may harness the power of hashtags by carefully combining tags meant to get your content seen and followed:

1) Include the most popular/common hashtags first. For example, if you’re posting inspirational quotes, you may include the hashtags #inspirationalquotes, #inspiration, and #quote. This will ensure that your material is found by folks who conduct searches on these broad topics. Understandably, not everyone in this group will be your ideal client.

2) The second type of hashtag to utilize is tailored to your target demographic or niche. For example, #Podcasting, #WAHM, #virtualassistant, #businesscoach, and similar terms are used less frequently but will attract a more specific market.

3) Another hashtag type to consider is just asking for a follow. #follow, #followme, and #follow4follow are a few examples.

Step 4: Create Your Brand

You are not alone if you struggle with branding. It’s one of those things that feels so opaque and hazy that pointing at it is impossible. Is it a brand? What are the colors on your website? What is your tagline? It’s all of those things and more.

Here are some things to consider when developing your brand. When done correctly, branding instantly identifies every post, photo upload, and social network update as your own. It’s what makes you unique—the intelligent use of:

lingua franca

Color Schemes

· Fonts

The attitude

a person’s personality

And in the case of photographs, it means being as constant as possible in terms of composition, style, filters, and other components.

Step 5: Create a Content Strategy

When using Instagram for business, you should build a content marketing strategy, just like you would with any other network. To begin, decide how many times each day or week you wish to post. Some instructors post once a week, while others write many times every day. Whatever you pick, it is critical to maintaining consistency.

And for content creation, follow these guidelines: Make one-third of your posts about branding, one-third about sharing material from influencers or users, and one-third about selling your product or service:

a) Branding: Include your beliefs, mission, and “why” to let your followers know you as a brand.

b) Sharing: This includes repeating what your followers submit (while giving them credit, of course). Followers appreciate it when you repost their photographs. It makes them feel affirmed and valued by your company. In addition, reposting influencers’ photographs will help you become recognized by them.

c) Selling: Sales articles should not be forceful and should reflect the nature of your brand. Use lifestyle images of your products and services to show people how your product or service might improve their lives.

Using a content strategy in conjunction with a content calendar will help you stay organized and lay out your material in a way that benefits your business and your customers. A content calendar can be an Excel spreadsheet, a Google doc, or a calendar WordPress plugin. However, there are numerous content calendars available online. Choose one! Then, based on your marketing and content strategy, utilize it to map out your content.

There are also solutions available, such as “The Ultimate Content Creation Toolkit,” that may assist you in coming up with content themes, developing a combined marketing and content plan, and organizing it all on a schedule.

Step 6: Begin (or continue) a Conversation

Social media is all about relationships. It’s not about making purchases, gaining fans, or driving traffic. It’s all about building genuine connections with individuals.

All the other things–sales, traffic, and followers–are a byproduct of the connections you build. And what is the most straightforward approach to connecting and creating a relationship?

Join (or start) the conversation by doing the following:

Like and share information that makes you feel something.

Give credit to those who inspire you.

Follow folks who have valuable things to say and contribute.


In conclusion

You could use Instagram as a social platform regardless of your product or service. It’s a straightforward but effective platform for gaining engaged followers, targeted leads, and increased revenues. In addition, you will have another opportunity to promote yourself to a new audience if you create an Instagram business profile and use its various capabilities.

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