Celiac Disease and Your Family History


If you have a family history of celiac disease or a related autoimmune disease, you may be at higher risk of developing the disease. Physical trauma, infection, or childbirth can also trigger the disease. If your family has a history of it, you should take certain precautions to prevent the disease from developing.


Celiac disease is a common problem involving the intestine. It results in inflammation of the small intestine and damaged villi, which are necessary to absorb nutrients from food. Although most people can consume food containing gluten without experiencing symptoms, those with celiac disease may experience abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea, pale stools, and weight loss. There is no specific test for this disease, so it is essential to understand the signs and symptoms and to seek medical attention if you suspect you have it.

Celiac disease can also cause damage to the dental enamel, which is the outer lining of the teeth. This damage can lead to an inability to absorb nutrients from minerals and vitamins. Enamel defects are common in people with celiac disease and tend to occur before they reach seven years of age.

In addition to symptoms, a blood test will help your physician diagnose celiac disease. For example, a tissue transglutaminase antibody test can show increased antibodies in the small intestine, which can signify celiac disease.


Celiac disease is a condition where a person is intolerant to a dietary protein called gluten. While there is no known cause for this condition, it tends to run in families. People who have a first-degree relative who has the condition are at an increased risk. Genetics and environmental factors also play a role. The disease is most common in people with northern European heritage. Approximately one in every 150 people in the United States and Europe suffer from the condition. However, it is rare in Asia, Africa, and China. Celiac disease is also more prevalent in women than in men.

The symptoms of celiac disease vary from person to person. In some cases, the disease can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It can also cause nerve damage and growth problems in children. Other symptoms include poor bone growth and a tingling sensation in the legs.

Genetic component

Although there is no apparent cause for celiac disease, there is a vital genetic component to the disease. Some people have a higher risk of the condition, especially if they have first-degree relatives who have the disease. There is also a higher incidence among twins, particularly fraternal twins.

Although the genetic component of the disease is still unclear, the discovery of genes that modulate gluten sensitivity may lead to novel therapies. Several genes have been linked to the disease, including PTPRK and the THEMIS gene. Other genes implicated in the disease include BACH2, RGS1, PTPRK, and FUT2.

Patients with celiac disease are generally on a gluten-free diet and periodically checked for antibodies. They also have biopsies of the small intestine to determine if it has recovered from the disease. If the diagnosis is correct, the disease will gradually disappear.

Other health problems

Some other health problems associated with celiac disease include irritable bowel syndrome and recurrent diarrhea. Symptoms of the former may include rectal bleeding, bloody stools, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, and decreased appetite. Severe cases of this condition may also cause anemia and mouth sores.

Other health problems associated with celiac disease include poor absorption of nutrients, chronic inflammation, and vitamin deficiencies. In children, malnutrition may cause anemia and delayed puberty. Women with this condition can also experience dermatitis and a severe skin rash. In rare cases, a person may develop cancer of the intestine or osteoporosis, which can be severe health problems.

Some other problems associated with celiac disease may not appear for years. Some children may develop symptoms of the disease months or years after starting solid food. For example, babies may experience diarrhea when first eating solids and experience abdominal pain and anemia as they grow older. They may also experience behavioral problems.