Diablo 2 Season 3 Best Builds


Blizzard Entertainment is gearing up for Diablo 2 Resurrected’s Ladder Season 2, with plans that include resetting ladders and new rune words. Last week, patch 2.6 underwent playtesting sessions.

Are You Looking to Jump Into Season 3 Action? Here Are 5 Great Build Examples to Consider.


Diablo’s Barbarian class is one of the tackiest characters, and it makes an excellent starting build to farm starting areas or clear elites and bosses in group play. Unfortunately, initial progression may be slow due to long cooldown times for Shouts and Ultimate Skills, which limits damage potential as the character deals physical damage through melee attacks and has limited Fury reserves with which it can unleash powerful abilities.

This class boasts impressive defensive abilities with extensive buffs designed to increase maximum health, resistance, and resiliency. Furthermore, two Defensive Shout Skills provide significant incoming damage reduction, extra health regeneration, and other utility effects, further enhanced with Legendary powers providing additional defensive or offensive benefits.

Though not the most substantial damage dealer, Barbarian can quickly tear through enemies with various builds focusing on specific abilities. Rend is a popular playstyle from previous versions of the game that remains effective today and still uses Bleeding effects that many Barbarian skills possess with Gushing Wounds Key Passive.

Frenzy builds are another effective and deadly Barbarian build featuring two-handed weapons designed to maximize damage with cleave attacks. While this style can be entertaining and rewarding, making the most of its destructive potential requires careful planning and enemy positioning to make maximum use of its devastating axe swings.

Many Barbarians favor donning heavy armor with shields for added defense, though this class can also be played using light or cloth gear. Like all classes, prioritizing stats that help your particular build can be crucial; for instance, if playing Rend build, it’s best to acquire items that increase Thorn, Critical Strike, Fury damage, Strength/Dexterity/Vitality to boost HP levels.

Witch Doctor

Diablo 3’s Witch Doctor class stands out as an unusual and peculiar character with various strange summoning abilities, from poison-based kiting builds to powerful damage-oriented builds – the Witch Doctor has something for players of all skill levels to enjoy! While specific bodies may prove more effective at higher Torment difficulty levels than others, choosing an effective build can mean the difference between grinding through some rifts and getting invited to parties that push you further up leaderboards.

So, in this article, we’ll examine some of the best Witch Doctor builds available in Diablo 2 Season 3 and explore their ability to handle higher-tier monsters. We will also briefly overview this class’s primary skills and how best to play them.

Poison-based kits are among the most beloved Witch Doctor builds, and multiple variations are available to suit players’ preferences. Something will work for everyone here, from Zunimassa Poison Darts to Jade Harvesters!

These builds rely on stacking enemies tightly together so they can unleash powerful area-of-effect bursts, potentially one-shotting entire elite packs at lower levels, and are suitable for clearing even the game’s most complex difficulties.

Frozen Orb and Blizzard builds are another excellent choice for players who prefer mobile gameplay. These builds utilize two skills to attack enemies with various elements, making this versatile enough to shoot moving targets effectively.

Mundunugu’s Regalia Build provides players looking for a damage-oriented build with high amounts of sustained damage over time, a practical option. This build takes full advantage of set effects, which increase Spirit Barrage damage output.

Note that any of these builds can be challenging to play at higher Torment difficulties and require access to powerful gear, so before selecting one of these builds for you, experiment with each.


With the right gear and some skill, this solo class can be one of the best sole options in the game. It features a fast-paced melee build capable of doing severe damage quickly – ideal for leveling fast to 60 speedily or for those unsure what they want to play as their first class. It is also an excellent build choice for newer players looking for their starting point regarding builds to play.

There are various approaches to building a Crusader. You have two main choices for crafting one: melee or ranged builds. Both options offer powerful performance; melee builds may be more reliable, while ranged ones have more significant burst potential and may save gear grinding time.

The Necromancer is another popular class in the game. Though not the fastest course, it can quickly farm endgame content. Newer players who don’t yet possess high-end gear may also benefit from choosing this path, particularly those lacking superior equipment. A cookie-cutter build known as Summoner Necro can deal massive damage simply by summoning minions, making this build suitable for beginners who lack high-end items but still wish to put out considerable damage!

Other top solo builds in the game include the Assassin, made even stronger by its recent upgrade with Mosaic runeword. An Assassin can deal incredible damage when combined with an Infinity and Mancatcher helmet.

Hammerdin builds are another great solo strategy, capable of inflicting large amounts of damage in one blow, and are excellent at clearing dense areas and taking down demons and undead familiar in endgame zones.

For fans of the Diablo 2 Resurrected series, don’t miss our Season 27 Tier List guide. This tool will assist in selecting the ideal builds to level up and dominate Sanctuary, including some of the highest-ranked builds from within the game and class combos that allow for the maximum monster kills!


An Assassin build can be an ideal solution for simultaneously dealing with large groups of enemies. Utilizing Martial Arts skill tree abilities such as Phoenix Strike, Fists of Fire, and Blades of Ice, this class offers single target damage with each hit delivered from its powerful finisher skills such as Phoenix Strike or Fists of Fire/Ice Blades/Blades of Ice; additionally, it can use new ladder-only runeword Mosaic that provides significant enhancements for these finishing skills, giving an advantage against elemental immunity when using finishing skills like these skills when finishing them successfully.

This Assassin builds can be played using either a sword or axe; however, the axe is far more popular due to its significant ranged damage and ability to stun. Additionally, they can equip themselves with many Bruiser items for improved survivability, such as Calibrated Powerful Receiver, Sharpshooter’s Grip, and Large Quick Eject Mag (all craftable through Tinker Tom after completing Railroad sidequests).

Strength is the cornerstone of melee builds for assassins, so developing it should be a top priority. Strength determines what gear can be worn and the amount of damage dealt; high Strength allows Assassins to equip a Wyrmhide base and most of their desired Assassin gear.

Assassins may not be ideal for early leveling, but they can still prove decisive once they are past level 20. This is due to their build’s durability when combined with a good armor set such as an Assassin Shield, Bloodforge Ring, and Lucidity Boots.

Necromancers and Druids may not have an S Tier build available at the start of Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 4, but that does not preclude them from making headway in end-game content. Both classes can still utilize their best Assassin build from Season 3, the Lightning/Death Sentry Trapsin; it provides reliable leveling Assassin abilities while simultaneously farming Chaos Sanctuary content easily.