
How to send message in Telegram using username

As you know, sending messages to people’s private chats through ID is one of the most suitable and efficient methods for advertising on Telegram. Because basically, people pay special attention to the messages they receive privately. Receiving a private message arouses people’s curiosity so much that they finally open the message to see who sent them what content. For example, if someone sends you a private message, wouldn’t you be curious to read their message? So, we conclude that sending messages to people’s private chats will be highly productive.

For advertising, you need to send your message to a large number of your target audience. But the main question is, is it possible to send an unlimited number of messages to people on Telegram? Is there a limit to this? In response to these questions, we must say, Telegram keeps advertisements within its monopoly and applies restrictions so that people cannot easily advertise in large numbers by sending messages in private chat. We will discuss this issue further and introduce a tool called the message telegram ids bot that can easily send bulk messages for advertising. Stay with us…

Telegram Limits Sending Messages to IDs

As we said, Telegram is trying to prevent people from advertising in this messenger by some limitations. But before we check the restrictions, we should know whether these restrictions apply to all people or not.

To send messages, people are divided into two groups.

  • Familiar people (Acquaintances are people who have your number or you have chatted with at least once.)
  • Unknown people (people who have your number or have already chatted with you. These people are exposed to the restrictions of Telegram.)
  • In the following, you will find out more about what restrictions these people consider.

Two restrictions make sending messages difficult.

  1. Not sending group messages.

In this restriction, Telegram does not allow sending group messages to unknown people. For example, suppose you prepared a list of people’s IDs for advertising. To send messages to people, you need to go to the Telegram search section. Then search for their ID and enter their profile to send the message. Due to the lack of sending group messages possibility, you have to search all these IDs individually and send your message. Doing this for many IDs will be very difficult and time-consuming.

  1. Daily limit of sending messages

In this limit, you can only send messages to 50 anonymous people with each Telegram account during the day. If you send more than this number of messages, your account will be blocked. But this restriction applies only to anonymous people. You can send messages to as many acquaintances as possible throughout the day.

In this case, if you use more Telegram accounts, you can increase the number of messages you send. For example, if you want to message 500 people during the day, you must use 10 Telegram accounts. If you send 50 messages with each account, you can increase the number of messages to 500 in one day. But switching between these accounts is exhausting.

So far, we have learned about Telegram’s restrictions to prevent advertisements and to send bulk messages. But despite such restrictions, should you be completely indifferent to advertising? No, we have to use methods that these restrictions do not include you.

In the following, we will familiarize you with a way to do this as easily as possible.

The Best Way to Send Bulk Messages

As you have noticed by now, you cannot manually search for individual IDs and messages to them. This is very boring and time-consuming. We suggest you use the Bot to send messages to IDs in Telegram. This Bot is a tool to do all these steps automatically and sends your messages in bulk. You can also give this Bot as many accounts as you want to set it so that after every 50 messages sent, it enters the next account and sends the next 50 messages. Due to such advantages, this method, using a bot to send messages to an ID in Telegram, is the best possible method for sending messages in bulk.


In this article, we explained to you that advertising through sending messages to private chats is one of the best advertising methods that you can do. But we discussed further that there are obstacles in this method that make your work difficult. For example, obstacles such as (the lack of possibility to send group messages to unknown people and the daily limit of sending messages to unknown people) make it difficult for you to advertise on Telegram. In the end, we introduced you to a tool called a bot for sending messages to IDs in Telegram, which can automatically perform all the steps you have to do manually and with a lot of time.

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