Categories: Health

How to Treat Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that usually gets better after a few days of treatment. However, it can have serious health consequences if left untreated. In women, the infection can lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes and increased tubal pregnancy risk. Chronic abdominal pain may also result from this disease. Luckily, most cases of gonorrhea clear up quickly with antibiotic therapy. However, some symptoms may remain for a few days or weeks.


In most cases, men who have contracted gonorrhea develop symptoms within 2 to 5 days of exposure to the bacterium. However, symptoms may vary among men and women. Men with untreated gonorrhea may develop an inflamed epididymis, leading to infertility. The disease can also be transmitted to newborns during delivery. Symptoms of gonorrhea in newborns can include blindness, arthritis, meningitis, and sepsis. Women may also develop pelvic inflammatory disease, usually accompanied by pelvic pain and fever.

Early diagnosis of gonorrhea is essential to prevent complications and to stop transmission to sex partners. This is achieved through prompt antimicrobial therapy. In addition, various tools are used to facilitate treatment and interrupt transmission networks. In some cases, recent sex partners are contacted to determine the risk of transmission. In some cases, patients may be eligible for expedited partner therapy, which allows them to avoid the risk of infecting their partners.

Antibiotics can help prevent the transmission of gonorrhea in sexually active people. Various drugs are used to treat gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections. However, no single drug is effective in eliminating gonorrhea.


The treatment of gonorrhea involves a combination of several antibiotics that can effectively kill the bacteria. These drugs are administered as injections or taken orally over seven days. Therefore, early detection and appropriate antibiotic selection are essential for successful treatment. The patient should also be followed up at least one to two weeks after finishing the treatment regimen.

Gonorrhea is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease (STD) that infects the vagina, rectum, and throat. While it cannot be transmitted through touching surfaces, sex is the most common way to contract the disease. Different symptoms are experienced by men and women who have gonorrhea. If left untreated, gonorrhea can cause abdominal pain, tubal scarring, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

If treatment is successful, the patient is considered cured. However, re-infections are common. Therefore, patients with recurrent or persistent symptoms should be re-tested every seven to 14 days.