The best way to Sell Hand-Crafted Jewelry On the web


A Simple Website may be all you have to

If you haven’t a lot to market, just a few pages online are what you need.

The simpler the greater – just two web pages can work well. One web page with your name, contact details, costs, and pictures of your work: another is the checkout having a link to PayPal. It’s actually possible to put all this on one page! Less is more. The simpler it is to buy, the more likely you will make a sale.

Make the Site Individual

This is important, as buyers are more inclined to trust someone they can connect with. They want to know if there’s an actual person selling. A thumbnail of yourself smiling which has a name goes a long way. Use testimonials – ask buyers for comments on your necklaces.

Make it easy for potential buyers to get hold of you. An e-mail street address on your front page will take mountains of spam when you have a busy site – and so create a form for questions, or add an extra connection to go to your e-mail street address.

How to Build a Website and Website to Sell Jewelry

If you really need to make money, what you need is an e-store with a nice front web page, and a Paypal checkout, as well as marketing, to bring traffic.

This really is much easier than you think, particularly the first part.

How a website works

When you view a website, you’re accessing the hard generate of another computer, occasionally in a different country. This particular host machine stores the website for the creator. The site by itself has hidden code known as HTML (for short). Whenever your browser views these codes it translates them into the image you see on the monitor.

HTML editor

Rather than paying ages to write these codes yourself, all you need is software to generate them for you. A number of word processing programs can accomplish this, or better still you could put money into FrontPage or Words and phrases. However, it’s a lot simpler and cheaper to use website-building software with a CODE editor built-in, these additions make it simple to publish for your host.

One such program I personally use is from Ewisoft, however, there are many others like MrShop. I joined their 30-day free trial and then signed up for any hosting contract with Proceed Daddy. These companies make issues easy and inexpensive.

Custom retail store software

For high-volume dealers, Miva offers great website software. Get the shop cost-free by signing a contract using certain hosts, or get the software outright and post it to your own host. Yahoo for the best deals. If you have US$500 to $1, 000 for you to splash on, then it can much cheaper in the long run to buy the actual Miva store software. But if your cash doesn’t circulation that well or you question if your store will be an extensive success, then it’ll be less expensive to pay per month and lease the store from a host.

Sign up for a Domain with a Host

Before you start working on a new website, you have to register a domain. This should be as simple, as short, memorable as possible, and offered. Start by writing a list of labels that are related to you or your organization.

For example, if you live coupled with Bure Lane and sell custom-made jewelry, write Bure Necklaces (at the time of publishing pure jewelry. com was actually available). Or you could use your own brand or the type of pieces a person designs.


Go for us dot com if possible, especially if you’re in the US, as it’s simpler for potential customers to remember. But a. co. UK for England, or. EU for European countries may be more available and search “local”.

Lately, new adjunctions have become available, like. company. Although this stands for the Republic of Colombia, the suffix is intended for general use and “co” is associated globally with the word “company”. These brand-new suffixes give you the opportunity to have a domain with your chosen brand.


When you’ve scribbled all possibilities, go to a famous web host like GoDaddy to discover whether it’s taken. If someone, in addition, has your preferred domain, look for a different suffix, or adjust some of the wording. It’s easier to string words together, as compared to using hyphens or spots, as it’s easier to bear in mind.

Example: If annspearls. com is taken, then annspearlnecklaces. com is better than any. pearl jewelry. com. This can then end up being expressed as AnnsPearlNecklaces. com

Web storage

At the same time pick a contract for storage space under to be derived from a web host, like GoDaddy -the minimum price will probably be sufficient. I think I paid (in December 2009) US$75 for the registration of two domains and one 12 months of hosting. Or you can pay month to month, which works out a little more.

Make sure you print out and keep all correspondence and settings mailed from a host, you will need these in the future. Likewise, make a note of all the passkey – you may create in excess of what you can remember! After you’ve performed all that, you’re almost on the streets!

Your Front Page

The following thing to do is design your personal front page. This is important seeing that it’s the first thing a potential purchaser sees, and you only have a short time to convince them to be before they click away to another location site. With your front website:

The user must be able to realize what the site is about in less than a couple of seconds.
Design everything in order that it can be scanned by the attention quickly.
Keep it very simple -no fancy or small sort, music, or flash. It should load fast.
Make it possible for the visitor to e-mail or perhaps contact you.
Use a simple course-plotting structure with limited selection -less is more.
Avoid very long sentences, paragraphs, or web pages.
No spelling or grammatical mistakes and only good quality images.
Include a call for action. Just like “To Buy Click Here” or “E-mail Now! inches
Use similar colors and also type styles for a harmonious relationship.
Design a nice logo -this can be an image.

How to literally construct your front webpage will depend on your web building assurance. If you have no idea, then you can often pay someone to design and also for you, or you can start with a new pre-built template supplied by nearly all web hosts.


A new template for your whole internet site will ensure each page is definitely linked professionally, and that just about every page keeps the same style and design, logo, and other sections. The item saves you a lot of time. Free web themes are also available on the course’s Front Page.

Keep it very simple

Less is more, but they have a hard to design clearly.

Structure links

Rather than chaos your front page, create links leading to other web pages to expand a choice. As an example on the front page previously mentioned, I placed a picture and also a link for Stand Drops – click this and it also goes to another page using a list of all the different types of strands. To include all on the entrance page would be obstructive.

Company logo

Design your own logo: it looks professional and provides trust. There are various programs that will make logos; some are free, A search engine. Or experiment with the different web site and colors with your concept processing program.

My favorite is definitely WebStyle from Xara. Nevertheless, if you choose to use a nonimage brand, bear in mind that it may look distinct from viewers depending on their cell phone browser and settings.

Sell thoughts

For headings, item explanations, or copy, use phrases that sell. These are beneficial, exciting, and inspirings phrases – Irresistible, Outstanding, Magnificent, Dazzling, Wonderful, Dreamlike, Sexy, Passionate, etc.


Make descriptions and photographs as detailed, accurate, and intriguing as possible. Photographs should become sharp, cropped and distinction boosted. Edit everything you publish, and use the spell verify and thesaurus on your expression processing program.

How to Composition Content within the Site


Be sure to add a clear connection to “Add to Basket”, “Basket Content”, AND “Buy Now”, on all sales internet pages. Missing these will bring about lost sales.

Ensure kind face, color, and débouchent sur sizes are consistent inside our site, especially if you don’t use the template. Apply the same débouchent sur, writing style, and punctuational everywhere, except for headings. Just use two or three different colors.


The best font with regard to web reading is Arial (as in this book), although titles also look good in Tahoma. Times New Roman appears dated. Don’t use fancy designs as they may look dissimilar to the viewer on an additional web browser. This book is within 12 points, but fourteen points are also common. Avoid going smaller, and never underneath 10 points.


Work with a PayPal checkout if you don’t have some sort of merchant account to accept credit cards. All these checkouts are simple to establish, free, and can be used by you aren’t have a credit card. If you haven’t actually joined PayPal immediately.

Planning live

When you’ve concluded designing the site with your CSS editor, it’s time to post to your host, just click Submit on the program.

For the first time, you need to enter the FTP address (this will be FTP. your domain. And also user name & username and password you choose for FTP towards your host, and maybe your website WEB LINK (address). If you can’t find some of this information, just ask your own host.

Your site should right now be up and running, but don’t anticipate any sales without marketing and marketing.

Check and double-check

After you’ve finished your website, go through every single page to check on links and go to the right locations, it’s very easy to get these incorrect. Check spelling with your mean checker and use the English language for the country you are promoting too (British English to the UK, or US punctuation in the US).

Clear and

Edit copy and limit paragraphs for easy on-the-web reading. Leave lots of place on the page. This looks rejuvenating and pleasant to the eyesight. Black type on a bright background works the best.

Consider yourself

Buy something from your website to see if everything is actually working correctly and also to obtain the feel of customer experiences. Annoying like testing the system yourself all the way through.

Problems a visitor is affected by, like where to click following, will show right away. You can then create adjustments. Such as adding automatically-generated emails, or changing some other aspects of the process that might not possibly be working as intended.

It is quite worthwhile to do these assessments often, even after your site increases and runs. Things may strangely change on their own, possibly from bugs in the software program or adjustments from your sponsor, so never become simply satisfied. Test, test, test.

It’s worthwhile to do these checks often, even after your site increases and runs. Things can certainly strangely change on their own, often from bugs in the program or adjustments from your coordinator, so never become self-satisfied. Test, test, test.

Advertising and marketing

Many think they can produce a website and customers may come crawling to buy. Reality is not even close to that. There are millions of completely new websites every week, and as having any business, you have to do tough work to bring in sales.

The good thing is you’re in a niche market selling hand-crafted jewelry, so it’s less difficult than say, offering clothes – but it will probably be pretty tough! This portion is very important and I will soon end up publishing an article to help. You may consider buying a whole publication on the subject.

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