Tips on how to Answer Situational Questions within the PMP Exam


More and more people taking exams realise that the actual PMP exam is more than responding to ITTO-type questions.

There is undoubtedly another breed of questions that are giving a lot of grief to PMP aspirants. These are, instead, long and situational queries. Such questions provide you with a large amount of background information and assess your own PM Skills with the provided problem. These queries are trying to test anyone on your Problem-Solving skills rapidly, which are an essential must-have for project managers.

The problem will have many Correct, or maybe seemingly correct answers, that happen to be trapped, and if you are not organized, you will be caught off the shield. You need to be very proactive and think carefully before answering all these questions.

Let’s analyze some sort of Mock PMP Question below:

You are working on a project to make state-of-the-art diving equipment that could take you safely to depths of 300 legs in the deep ocean. The actual project is on schedule, and budget allocations and investing are continuing as regular. However, lately, there has been the rumour that the blueprint for your new design is not initial, and you, the Project Office manager, have just been sued by a rival for copyright infringement. To express that you are worried is an understatement. Such problems were in no way discussed during the risk preparing activities and were, for that reason, never added to the risk sign-up. Deal with the situation; it will right now cost the project lots of time and money. What is the GREATEST response to this situation?

A. Don’t take any steps, just accept that there are problems for which the team did not have an insurance policy.

B. Stop all undertaking activities and immediately approach elderly management for advice on this challenge.

C. Add raise the risk to the risk register and gather information about its chances and impact.

D. M uses the management reserve to cover the price of the problem.

What’s your answer? Quick, don’t think very long, and come up with the answer.

Knowing the Problem at Hand:

Now, why don’t you analyze the options and recognize the best answer… that’s the thing that was asked in this mock PMP question…

You are now faced with a problem which was not predicted or planned for. That can compare with the Risk Register; it is an unexpected problem you have never thought of. It has significant ramifications…

There is pressure on the company’s standing and legal liability, which will cost the company a lot of time & income. Thus, you must carefully look at the options and choose your answer.

Investigating The Options Given:

One of the widespread pitfalls for PMP quiz aspirants is that they think about the FINEST situation they would complete and then search for it inside answers. But this is not a good idea. You should always look for the BEST option in the given four choices. The response you choose should be the Best of these kinds of 4 choices, even if the picked answer is not what you would dust an actual situation.

An essential idea for such questions is always NOT to mix the choices offered with your real-life experience, yet strive to eliminate the wrong selections, and pick the Best of the particular four choices… even if it seems illogical or impossible.

Choice A says to you to do not to do anything. Of course, legal things can take quite a few months, and you’ve just simply been notified. Such possibilities are checking if you wait for the problem to materialize or grow bigger before taking action. This isn’t an excellent option to choose. Of course, you are a Proactive Undertaking Manager. You will anticipate complications and develop risk minimization strategies, Contingency plans; of course, if they occur, you will be well prepared with the impact analysis and action plan and have a part of the team responsible and ready to take action and stay on the lookout for it…

Choice C seems a good option. That says you should go to the older management, inform them of the upcoming problems, and ask for their advice or advice immediately. Of course, with such dire results, it seems wiser to keep these individuals updated and ask for their help and support. It makes sense, although there are two issues with that choice:

a. It states that Stop all undertaking activities. It is acceptable to search for advice, but why end all other activities? Stopping all the other activities will further put the remaining job activities in danger.

b. Solving all job problems is your job. For this reason, you were appointed the Job Manager in the first place. If you navigate the management and expect those to solve your problems, you’re not doing your job well. Naturally, if you come up with solutions to fix the issue at hand, and search for their approval on this kind of significant change, then it is by the Integrated Alter Control Process. You could then be using the escalation method, calling an emergency meeting with the Change Control Board and so forth, and advising them about the problem. Probable treatments help them make an advised decision.

Choice C feels perfect. It admits you goofed earlier and missed identifying this Possibility in the Risk Register. After that, it does damage repair by building this risk to the possibility register and starts gathering more information about the chances and impact of the challenge.

However, do realize that we are not in the preparation stages now… Such forms of things are better done in the planning stages. Now the condition has happened, and the a significant very close at hand… it is time to implement the plan, not begin arranging now.

Adding to the risk signup is fine, but gathering info on its probability is in vain now… the problem has already occurred. As a PM, your first task is to fix the problem. Just because ?t had not been noticed/tracked/thought of previous does not mean that we can’t start and fix it first.

Alternative D seems improbable. How may you use the management reserve without management approval? There is no reference to seeking management approval. Scenario use it, or use the contingency reserve?

Only Change is Frequent. Even with the best arranging, things will go wrong. Essential, we set up a Backup Reserve – for the recognized unknowns… like Inflation. We all know it will happen, but do not know the %, or with regards to will be sharp or much less… It depends on the market forces. For that reason, for the things that you can foresee, we create a contingency book and use it as things occur.

And for things that are not known or unheard of, we set up the Management Reserve. This quantity rests with the Management (Sponsor, senior management etc . ). The Project Manager understands this fund but can no longer use it without getting approval from the management. Further, it should be merely used for the Unknown Unknowns – things are unknown and still have not been planned or intended.

Be careful about using this pay-for. You can’t say that a user altered their requirement, and I hadn’t planned for it, therefore I am going to use the Management Reserve. This became a foreseeable thing, and you should only use your resources or tap the contingency Reserve, not the Operations Reserve.

With the problem accessible, you have not planned for doing it, you had not anticipated this, and now you are caught off-guard. Go to management, tell them about this, and use the management book (after getting their authorization of course)… They may not possibly be happy about the situation. But we have not been here to make everybody happy but to deliver a task successfully.

A problem has occurred or is happening, and the very first job as a PM would be to solve problems before these people arise (preventive action – best course) or once they arise (reactive action rapid not the best, but a great deal better late than never… all things considered, cost of making a change improves as time goes by).

Thus, investigating the choices, it is best to choose Solution D.

Hope this helps you in answering long-winded, specific and situational questions from the PMP exam.

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